The Gift of an Experience

There is something special about being given an experiential gift. It is different from a person giving you an object. An experience goes deep within us, memories are created. Many years ago, I was gifted with a trip to see the Monarch butterflies in the mountains of Michoacan, Mexico. That experience is as clear as if it happened yesterday. I was very present in the moment that day and later it left me with the most amazing collections of memories.

Nature is constantly gifting us, we only have to open ourselves to her beauty. There is the extraordinary contained within the ordinary, a beautiful flower you spend time with examining and painting, the capturing of a feeling as the winds brushes the tall Palms. Seeing Los Angeles, through the experience of color, light and form, is a lovely way to gift someone important to you. Let them know how much they are cherished and appreciated for how they contribute to making this a better world. Maybe it is a close group of friends that want to share an experience together. This luxury tour is structured so there is time to be on your own then come together as a community sharing conversation and delicious food. Perhaps it is a celebration or even a wedding proposal. A special picnic cake to mark the event…. all this is possible. It is open to the imagination. When I was developing lawalkandpaint, I wanted to enable the possibility of an exchange of the experience through a gift certificate. So I “huffed and I puffed” to figure out how to do this is a most beautiful way possible. An online notification yes, but a physical beautiful card is also in order. This is something special to commemorate the occasion. So extend the experience to someone near and dear.
When you gift others, you gift yourself with the pleasure it brings them.